Shaheen It’s All About You

Industry Telecom

What We Did Brand strategy, Naming, Visual Brand Identity, Illustration, Iconography, UI/UX Design, Packaging Experience, and Sound Signature


Hakbah, a pioneering fintech startup, is revolutionizing financial savings in Saudi Arabia. Authorized by the Saudi Central Bank to operate within the Regulatory Sandbox, Hakbah offers a comprehensive platform that empowers savings groups to initiate, manage, and pay directly through a mobile app.

Abdala Turki from Eskelah

Abdullah Al Turky Eskelah – CEO

“We are extremely thrilled with our partnership with Squad., enriching the visual content in the Saudi market. Squad. Is a professional team that adapted amazingly with the local market.”

Project Journey

To solidify its position as a leading financial platform, Hakbah sought a robust brand strategy and a captivating visual identity. We collaborated closely with the Hakbah team to develop a brand that reflects their vision of financial inclusion and aligns with Saudi Vision 2030.

Inspired by the spirit of Saudi Vision 2030, we crafted a brand strategy that positions Hakbah as a modern and accessible financial solution. The brand identity, characterized by clean lines and bold typography, reflects the company’s commitment to innovation and user-centric design.

Through a comprehensive branding effort, we have helped Hakbah establish a strong brand presence and attract a growing user base. The brand’s success is a testament to its ability to empower individuals and drive financial inclusion in Saudi Arabia.


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